lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014


Web Citation:
 "Ukraine Crisis: Is This Cold War Two?" BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

The situation in ukraine has gotten worst each day. Presidents of the Us and countries in Europe have began to discuss if a sanction needs to be put on Russia. They believe that these events could possibly lead to a Cold War number 2. The countries are waiting on the Russians possible moves in order for them to began evaluating the possibilities to start a war or not.  The problem is that many of the countires relay on Russians products and that would be a problem if they decide to turn against it. There is a concern because givinf the fact that Russia is next to Ukraine, Russian troops might be settling in the country and the reasons of the settlement are unknown. Statistics say that if a war occured, Russia would be left more affected than USA and this calms a little bit the governement of  Barack Obama.

Economic Hitman

Movie Citation :
Zeitgeist: Addendum. Dir. Peter Joseph. Zeitgeist The Movie. N.p., 2 Oct. 2008. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.


Recently in class we have been talking about a new topic and that topic was : Economic Hitman. Personally, had never heard about that term until Miss. Sierra showed it to us in class. It was
surprising for me that the U.S. Had  these people that were the ones in charge of doing their dirty job
and also why many countries hate USA. A consequence the the Economic Hitmans for Colombia would be that the  Panama canal was removed away from us. In the movie we saw in class called Zeitgeist Addendum  a hitman talked about the strategy the US used to remove the canal from Colombia. The movie basically showed that if the US corporations do not like something , by corrupting, they can change their minds and transform situation to their benefit.

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

The number of countries looking for the Air Malaysia Airplane gets bigger

14 to 25 countries are the one involved in searching the Malaysian flight that disappeared the past March 8th,2014. There were 239 passengers in the flight. there has been recent investigation that says that the plane was manually course changed by someone in the plane. The Malaysian police among other are investigating the pilots families to see if there might be a sign of a terrorist attack. There are no signs of the flight and it has been really hard because the place where the plane was last tracked is in the middle of the Indian ocean. According to CNN: "As the search area grows bigger, authorities are also increasing their scrutiny of the pilots, searching their homes in the quest for clues. That includes a flight simulator from the captain's home". This means that the captain or someone could manipulate the destiny from his house. This is interest to me because it is really bizarre and creepy that some airplane just vanished from the world just like that. It is creepy for me to think that how is the feeling of a passenger that was in that flight and where are they? 

The news i found it in CNN. Here is the link:

The citation of the article:

Almasy Steve, Clancy Jim, and Carter Chelsea." Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 search grow as pilots face            increased scrutiny". CNN. March 16,2014             airlines-plane/

What is my race?

It is really hard to determine what race are people from. We saw a documentary in class that talked and explained race. The conclusion of the documentary is basically that race is a myth created by people based on skin color and physical traits. The documentary showed that throughout the years there has 3 races: black,white, and caucasian or "latino". White colored people have always being considered the best and black colored people the worst. In colombia racism is not seeing as much as in other countries.

I am not sure of what race I am because I am not white or black so it is very hard for me to classify myself. Most colombians have the same brown skin color and we call that race "trigueno" or "moreno" but those are colombian terms that we use. My race do not gave me privileges in the world; my parents effort did. I am blessed to share some benefits that other people unfortunately cannot afford and I thank God every day for that. Here in Colombia there is not a classification between races like in other countries. We are all colombians no matter if we are white, black or "morenitos".I've found a web page that said: There is a race division in our country and that is the place of birth. In places like Santa Marta, Cartagena, Barranquilla, and all the coast part of the country the population is black or dark skinned people. In places where there is cold weather like Bogota most people are white. The link to the web page is right here:

The citation to the web page is right here:

"Colombia - RACE AND ETHNICITY." Colombia - RACE AND ETHNICITY. N.p., n.d.Web. 16 Mar. 2014.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

5 Colombian citizens killed in the border between Colombia and Venezuela

The webpage El País posted an article last Friday March 7th, 2014 of five Colombian  bodies founded near the Tachira river between the border of Colombia and Venezuela. One of them survive and was the one that informed the authorities of both countries. The minister of defense, Juan Carlos Pinzón, claims that the case must be solved immediately. The relatives of the victims claimed that they asked for help in Venezuela but got no response so, they were forced to find the bodies themselves. The survivor stated that the victims got attacked approximately at 2:00 am by people fully armed. The identities of the murderers remains unknown. There are hypothesis that the victims were supporting the revolutionary movement in Venezuela so that might got them killed. For more details here it is the full article link:

Israelí Apartheid Wall

I've founded a web page called '' Stop The Wall". In this web page there is a lot of information about the middle east crisis and the things people are doing to stop the problem. You can find things like how to become part of the protest in a non violent way, how to be involved in campaigns to help palestinians, Tours that activists are doing throughout the world seeking for help and much more.

The article that I read about involves an activist that made a tour throughout south America. His name is Jamal Juma and he has been going from place to place telling that what Israel is doing is not right and must be stopped. He also claims that some people are lots of words but no action. He encourags people to help him and Help Palestine to stop the settlements of Israeali people in Palestine territory. There has been recent negotiations but Palestine people always seem to los in the outcome of negotiations. Jamal Juma says that their country is losing and that he needs all the help possible.

Concerning about the wall, it has 34 checkpoints in which Israeli people control Palestinian activites and their territory. The wall occupies lots of palestinian territory and has caused the destruction of houses and poverty in Palestine. Here is the link to the whole article:

Here is the Citation:

"Critical Times: Interview with Jamal Juma of "Stop the Wall"" Welcome. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2014.

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Interesting link

Here is a link that explains how the opposition is organized and their leaders, purpose, etc.


Venezuela now a day is like a constant riot for the people living in there. The opposition is not backing up and the chavistas are not backing up either. The citizens are the ones suffering the most harm. In some places the food is missing, toilet paper, water and regular supplies are missing.In
Caracas, the capital, is where most of the riots are going on.What is shocking to me is that. Maduro thinks nothing is going on; he said that people should enjoy the carnival and " party". It is shocking that people still supports a guy like that. How many peaceful protest would be needed in order for their government to change? That is a good question.

Citation : "Large Protests in Venezuela despite Carnival." - Americas. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2014

Article founded in Aljazeera webpage

The web page Aljazeera posted an article about how Israeli police has closed Jerusalem because of the ultra orthodox. Jews that refuse to get into the army. When I read the article I learned that they did not wanna go to the army because they felt that they could lose power and I understand that. It is unfair that if they refuse to go, they are going to be forced to pay fines and that is not fair. Closing the gates of Jerusalem was an attack to their religion and that obviously made the jews to revolt.

I think that lately protesting is the only way to make  a statement in many countries. Obligating people to do things such as going to the army is not a solution but a creation of a bigger problem of discrimination in Israel and that should really stop. We are all equal and should be treated like that.

Citation: "Israel's Ultra-Orthodox Protest Draft Bill." - Middle East. N.p., n.d. 02 Mar. 2014