lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014


Web Citation:
 "Ukraine Crisis: Is This Cold War Two?" BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

The situation in ukraine has gotten worst each day. Presidents of the Us and countries in Europe have began to discuss if a sanction needs to be put on Russia. They believe that these events could possibly lead to a Cold War number 2. The countries are waiting on the Russians possible moves in order for them to began evaluating the possibilities to start a war or not.  The problem is that many of the countires relay on Russians products and that would be a problem if they decide to turn against it. There is a concern because givinf the fact that Russia is next to Ukraine, Russian troops might be settling in the country and the reasons of the settlement are unknown. Statistics say that if a war occured, Russia would be left more affected than USA and this calms a little bit the governement of  Barack Obama.

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