domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014


Mateo Plata
Dean Patterson/Sierra Melcher
Comparative Gov/English 12
May 4, 2014

I’m going to Change the World Manifesto
            I have studied at Colegio Panamericano for about 14 years. 14 years of lessons, experiences, and anecdotes that I will carry for the rest of my life. Studying at Colegio Panamericano is a privilege because not many people can get in and afford the costs of the school. Being so close to graduation has helped me to realize that now is the time that I am going to be facing the real world and the world is going through a crisis.
            Poverty is a global issue that has been going on and on for centuries. It breaks my heart when I see a kid or a grandmother asking for money in the street. That is something that has always affected me and it is frustrating that almost nobody cares. The past few weeks I have been seeing movies with my social studies teacher Miss. Sierra Melcher, about things that are happening in the world. I have been thinking of how can I address this issue and start helping people that have economical and healthy issues.
            Cooking has been something that always got my attention. I always volunteer to help my mom or my grandma in the kitchen and I still do it now a days. It has been so important for me that, I want to study culinary arts. In my school, the teachers have always told us that we need to share. Each year the school has being creating campaigns called “Caring and Sharing” which basically asks for the students to bring products in order to help poor people. When I graduate I want to keep sharing the things I have with people that need my help and the help of others.
            Food is something that everyone in the world needs to survive. Many of the families that are poor do not have money to buy food and to maintain their children. They are forced to consume whatever they can get. The food they take is causing many diseases and if they cannot afford food, the also cannot afford health insurance. In my country, as in other countries, there are shelters for homeless people that provide them with a roof and meals in order to help them. This has become a kind of solution for people and families that live in the streets.

            My family has always told me that I should be blessed with the life I have and that I should do something to help change the world. My plan for the future is to become a great chef and to help people by providing them with food to as many people as I can. Colombia is a country that has many regions in extreme cases of poverty and malnutrition. I would like to go to those areas and help the people living in there. Maybe I am not going to solve the global issue but I Think this will be a good start. People say that you should follow your dreams and do the things that passionate you and for me, cooking is the thing that I love and if can apply my knowledge to other people in the world, I am going to do that as long as I am able to. That would be my legacy to my children (if I get to have children) and to the generations that are coming behind me.

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